We live alone, but my mother will be the day caregiver by coming to our house every morning and return only in the evening. That's her full-time job as well. 😄

I am starting to work at home more and more, as my job allows me to, so long as I bring the sales back.

I'm so glad now that DS2 starts full-day playschool so that the house is less chaotic in the day.

It's a miracle how they can be so 'naughty' when their grandmother takes care of them and so 'well-behaved' when I come out occassionally to look after them. They do not seem to take instructions from grandma, as they know they will get away with it, somemore with snacks/sweets as rewards for bad behaviour. :x Somemore, Grandpa will even come with more goody food for them and helps them to keep all the toys littered ALL OVER the house. :roll:

The only good thing is that with the 'disciplinary-mistress' now at home, DS1 knows he has to finish all his homework assignments without his grandmother nagging at him.

DS1 doesn't watch TV till after dinnertime for a brief 30 mins (only pre-approved Disney/Jap cartoons or Bob the Builder VCDs, strictly no KidsCentral) while I complete DS2's bedtime routine. Then it's back to more work assignments with DS1 and we end the day with more fun mazes/craft work or memory/word games.

Having a grandmother to help out sure beats having a maid - which was a nightmare for me for 2 months. My mum cooks us good, nutritious food and will complain about their bad behaviour while I do the disciplinary. Daddy comes home happy with already-well-settled kids and nice dinner.

Little conflict with my parents since we don't stay together, so they will go along with my house rules.