• RE: Challenging PSLE Maths Questions Over The Years.

    :thankyou: tinker_bell and mummyof3angels for the compilations!

    Adding on to here a link to my old compilation of 2001-2009 tough psle questions. https://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9494
    Probably too old to be relevant, and links are probably too old and broken, requiring Internet Archive.
    e.g. Flawed? 2005 question

    Perhaps this thread could be made sticky or something to be more visible to future visitors and not lost to timestream? Something like our own museum of PSLE tough questions πŸ˜‚ :lovesite:
    Meanwhile I shall add this link to my own profile for \"bookmarking\"

    posted in Primary 6 & PSLE